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Winckelmann and the antiquarians of his time
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Antiquary Studies

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MATTOS, Claudia Valladão de. Winckelmann and the antiquarians of his time. Journal of Art History and Culture, Campinas, SP, n. 9, p. 69–79, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The present article discusses Winckelmann’s relation to the antiquarians of his time. It analyses the main theoretical sources that served as basis for the elaboration of his innovative theoretical and methodological model, as well as the reception of his work by the antiquarians of the period. By proposing a history of styles for Greek and Roman art, Winckelmann revolutionized the traditional approaches to Antiquity, which since the 17th century was structured by the logic of collectionism. Winckelmann’s rejection of traditional methods made him the target of antiquarian criticism, and only with much difficulty did
he conquer the outstanding position he occupies today.

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