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Underwater archaeology in Amazonia
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Underwater Archaeology
Rock Art
Archaeology at the Amazon Basin

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PEREIRA, Edithe da Silva; RAMBELLI, Gilson; BAVA-DE-CAMARGO, Paulo Fernando; CALIPPO, Flávio Rizzi; BARBOSA, Carlos Augusto Palheta. Underwater archaeology in Amazonia: Documentation and analysis of rock art at Mussurá, Trombetas river, State of Pará, Brazil. Journal of Art History and Culture, Campinas, SP, n. 11, p. 109–126, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


Archaeological sites containing rock art occur in great numbers throughout the Amazonian region. This kind of site is almost always located next to water bodies, and for that reason rock art is usually found temporarily submerged during the rainy season, surfacing only in the dry season to be documented and researched upon. The Mussurá site is an exception since, even in the dry season, its engravings are rarely exposed to the air. Given the situation, the documentation of that site was conducted underwater by diverarchaeologists. This is the first instance worldwide of underwater documentation of an archaeological site containing rock art.

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