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Considerations of the participation of Mario Schenberg at the 10th Biennial of Sao Paulo
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Mário Schenberg
São Paulo Biennial

How to Cite

SCHROEDER, Caroline Saut. Considerations of the participation of Mario Schenberg at the 10th Biennial of Sao Paulo. Journal of Art History and Culture, Campinas, SP, n. 19, p. 159–173, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper adresses the critic Mário Schenberg’ participation at the preparations of the 10th São Paulo Biennial in 1969, the year in which a group of artists and critics promoted an international boycott to the show in order to protest against the arbitrary actions committed by the military regime. Schenberg followed in the opposite direction of those who supported the protest and assisted the biennial organization. This decision, apparently contradictory, especially considering his left political position, is coherent with his concept of art as revolution and of the artist as an agent of transformation of the environment in which he lives.

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