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About the Journal


The Journal of Art History and Culture (RHAC) is a periodical publication associated with the History Postgraduate Programme of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the State University of Campinas (Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas – IFCH/Unicamp). It is also endorsed by Unicamp’s Art History and Archeology Centre (Centro de História da Arte e Arqueologia – CHAA). Its main goal is to promote an ongoing development of Art History and Culture in Brazil, relating them to the field’s international production.

The Journal is the natural continuation of the Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia (RHAA), which throughout its 24 issues, between 1994 and 2015, became a reference among Brazilian scientific journals in the field, besides being the first to tackle both subject areas analogously. The purpose of the RHAC is to continue this previous research excellence, adapted to the new necessities and determinations of international guidelines for scientific journals.

Both publications are fundamental participants in the area’s uprising interest, which in the History Department of Unicamp crystalizes within the academic fields of Art History and its research lines. This periodical consolidates the commitment with the field and its worldwide dissemination. Its online publication guarantees unrestricted view to all people interested in the discipline.

Focus and scope

The RHAC publishes and promotes academic work in the field of Art History and Culture. Papers can be published in Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish, which facilitates access to Brazilian and foreigner readers. It shares original works from national and international specialists in the following categories: articles, reviews, interviews and document transcriptions. Dossier proposals can be submitted for approval by our editorial board.

Evaluation Process

After previous consideration by the editorial board, which verifies if both the scope and journal’s guidelines are properly fulfilled, the submissions are sent anonymously to two reviewers ad hoc, who specialize in the subject, who might accept, refuse or suggest alterations to the author. In case of divergence of opinion between reviewers, the final decision is issued by the publisher.


The Journal is published biannually publication and welcomes submissions on a continuous basis.


Cataloguing in Publication prepared by: Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB 8ª/5447