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Cost studies for digital preservation and trusted digital repository
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Digital respository
Costs of preservation environmen
Digital preservation

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FARIA, Maximiliano Martins de; SILVA, Tiago Cesar da. Cost studies for digital preservation and trusted digital repository: the case of the Brazilian National Archive. Brazilian Journal of Digital Preservation, Campinas, SP, v. 5, n. 00, p. e024002, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/rebpred.v5i00.18536. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Introduction: The National Archive of Brazil, managing thousands of documents, confronts challenges from digital transformation and COVID-19. To bolster its digital presence, it proposes projects, including technological modernization and enhancement of the Trusted Digital Archival Repository (RDC-Arq). The complex digital environment, including the Digital Repository (RD), demands substantial investments. The text underscores the crucial predictability of costs for maintenance and evolution. Objective: The article proposes a pricing model for the digital preservation environment, focusing on the institution's RD. It maps controls based on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) models, estimating an annual maintenance cost of around R$ 2.3 million, with an average cost of R$ 0.013 cents per preserved digital object of 12 MB. The article presents a literature review, methodology, and results of the conceptual model. Methodology: This study employs action research to understand preservation environment costs. It collects data through article studies, interviews, and standards, analyzing archive reference models. The gathered insights allow for conceptual mapping and pricing of the National Archive's preservation environment. Results: This section reveals the study's outcomes—a conceptual map and cost spreadsheet for the preservation environment, focusing on the National Archive's digital repository. Aligned with ISO 16363:2012, the technological perspective identifies six key functions, e.g., Security and Business Continuity. Conclusion: This qualitative, action research-based study aims to understand cost calculation models in preservation environments, focusing on the National Archive. Using intentionally selected non-probabilistic samples, a conceptual map was created to establish a technological cost model, identifying IT and Communication (ICT) controls and demonstrating total costs of approximately R$ 2,300 K.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maximiliano Martins de Faria, Tiago Cesar da Silva (Autor)


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