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THE EDITORS OF THE REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PRESERVAÇÃO DIGITAL, considering the provisions of the original proposal of this joint publication of UNICAMP and IBICT, hereby announce the opening of the deadline for the submission of articles for publication in the Journal (RBPD), Thematic Dossier, year 2024, under the following terms:

  1. Preservation of digital collections of ethnic minorities
  2. Preservation of digital health collections
  3. Digital preservation of government information
  4. Digital preservation of web pages
  5. Digital preservation of social media
  6. Digital preservation and artificial intelligence
  7. Evolution of digital preservation policies
  8. Risk management in digital repositories
  • As a condition for submission, articles must comply with the rules on composition, formatting, citations, highlights and references specified in the conditions for submission: The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, justification should be given in "Comments to the editor". The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, following the template. URLs for references activated when possible, and shortened when they are too long using the Shortener website. The text is spaced 1.15; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors on the About the Journal page. Make sure that you have included the ORCID record in the system (if you haven't, make sure you do and leave it open to the public, just as you have with Lattes). Make sure you have filled in the CRediT form Make sure you have filled in the Complementary Data form. Make sure the paper has a maximum of 5 (five) authors.
  • Articles must be submitted by May 10, 2024 on the REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PRESERVAÇÃO DIGITAL website, along with the submission form in Annex I of this notice, which will include the author's full details, their place of origin, institution or company where they work, the position and unit they occupy, their e-mail address, their contact telephone number, the title and abstract of the article. The file containing the article must not contain any identification or means by which the author of the work can be identified.
  • By submitting articles to REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PRESERVAÇÃO DIGITAL, the authors declare that they are the owners of the copyrights and are solely responsible for any claims related to these rights, as well as authorizing the Review to publish said texts, free of charge, in any medium, without limitation as to time, territory or any other, including the indexing platforms of scientific journals in which the Review may be indexed.
  • The Journal is also authorized to adapt the texts to its publication formats and to modify them in order to guarantee respect for the cultured norms of the Portuguese language.
  • Articles received by the Journal are submitted to the Editorial Coordination, which assesses their suitability for the Journal's editorial line and submission requirements. Articles that do not comply with these rules will be returned to their authors, who will be able to resubmit them provided the necessary changes are made.
  • Once submitted, the articles will be sent for analysis by a panel of referees, made up of professors with PhDs in the respective subject areas, who will pre-select the articles received on the basis of the following criteria: a) Absence of conflicts of interest in evaluating the article; b) Agreement with the criteria of not conveying prejudices and/or defamation and slander that harm the integrity of the readers and/or individuals cited; c) Consistency between the title, abstract, keywords and content of the article; d) Relevance of the topic, topicality of the discussion and importance for academic debates; e) Quality of the approach, including the argumentation and legal reasoning used in the text, the development as a technical-scientific article and the correct use of the concepts employed; f) Research methodology used in the article and its respective description; g) Textual elements, assessing the wording used, clarity, cohesion and coherence of the text in its development and the cultured norm; h) Adequacy of the conclusion to the objectives proposed in the text; and i) References, relevance and scope.
  • The articles will be assessed by two linked referees using the double blind peer review system. If only one reviewer disagrees, the article will go to the Editorial Board for final analysis. If both disagree, the article will be sent to a third reviewer.
  • The result of the evaluation of the articles may be approval, rejection or approval with reservations, i.e. with suggestions for necessary adjustments, in which case the author will be notified to present the changes within the deadline set by the Publishing Coordination or to keep the original text, giving reasons.
  • In any case, once the articles have been approved in this first stage, they will still be submitted to the Editorial Board, which will make the final decision on publication, notifying the authors by e-mail.
  • Once the text has been approved, provide a 1 to 2 minute video in a horizontal position and submit it via WeTransfer to the following e-mail address:

Brasília, March 8th, 2024.  

Miguel Ángel Márdero Arellano e Gildenir Carolino Santos

Editors of the Revista Brasileira de Preservação Digital