Dossier arts in feasts
Imagem da capa de revista com título no canto superior esquerdo. Abaixo do título, estão presentes informações sobre ISSN, volume e número da edição. No centro da imagem, há 5 figuras de pessoas vestindo vestidos vermelhos, em diferentes posições de dança, com os braços em movimento. O fundo é branco, destacando a vibrante coreografia das figuras em destaque.
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How to Cite

GODOY, Adriano Santos; BLANCO, Lis Furlani. Dossier arts in feasts: bodies in movement. PROA: Revista de Antropologia e Arte, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 2, p. 8–14, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/proa.v8i2.17578. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


In the abridged edition of Georges Frazer's The Golden Branch (1982), the word feast appears one hundred and seventy-six times, as a translation of the word feast. In the great anthropological classic, the feasts of fires, beans, fools, New Year's Eve, the Virgin Diana, the solstice, Pentecost, El-Bugat, Ta-Uz, Saturn, Our Lady of Conception, and wheat stalks, to name but a few, are discussed. By seeking parallels between the events, based on some similarities in time and space, the methodology and analysis employed by the anthropologist is today questioned. In the introduction to the work in the English edition, it is Mary Douglas who alerts to the risk of a reading that focuses on the collection of curious facts, and not on the analytical thread that leads it with precision. In Darcy Ribeiro's introduction in the Brazilian edition, the emphasis is on its artistic value as a literary work. However, there is no doubt of the influence that this work produced in the field of research interested in feasts and what they can say about magic, science and religion.
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FRAZER, James. O Ramo de Ouro. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1982.

GEERTZ, Clifford. A interpretação das Culturas. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1978.

GELL, Alfred. Art and Agency. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1998.

GODOY, Adriano S.; BLANCO, Lis F.; ILHÉO, Mariana C.; CÉSAR, Rafael N.; CARAVITA, Rodrigo I. Coisa de congada: um relato a dez mãos. PROA: revista de antropologia e arte, n. 8, vol. 2, p. 233-255, 2018.

MENEZES, Renata C.. Celebrando São Besso ou o que Robert Hertz e a Escola Francesa de Sociologia têm a nos dizer sobre festas, rituais e simbolismo. Religião & Sociedade, vol. 29, n. 1, p. 179-199, 2009.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Adriano Santos Godoy, Lis Furlani Blanco


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