Anthropology and Aesthetics
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Aesthetic statements

How to Cite

MATARRESE, Marina. Anthropology and Aesthetics: the case of pilagá basketry (Gran Chaco, Argentina). PROA: Revista de Antropologia e Arte, Campinas, SP, v. 4, n. 00, p. 134–147, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/proa.v4i00.16469. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


In this article I critically investigate the valuations and aesthetic statements of the Pilagá (province of Formosa, Argentina) with respect to their basket production. The study of these appraisals, understood as part of dynamic social processes, involves various spheres of Pilagá social life. Hence, some of the questions that inspire this work are: what are the value considerations of the Pilagá with respect to their basketry production? In relation to what variables are these value considerations made? How is the distinction experienced between the valuations that the Pilagá consider their own and those identified as foreign? Why does this differentiation arise and how does it affect the moment of elaborating the crafts?
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