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From Ovid to Boccaccio
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Middle Ages

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HEISE, Pedro Falleiros. From Ovid to Boccaccio: the new vernacular elegy. PhaoS - Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 00, p. e023001, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


It seems consensual among critics that Ovid represents the swan song of the elegiac genre: its peak before the decadence. That is true if one considers only the few elegies of the Middle Ages that have come down to us. However, the so-called Aetas Ovidiana belongs to the same historical period. This paper aims to evaluate the transitions that took elegy from Latin to Vernacular based on a historical outline of the elegiac genre, starting from the last work of the poet from Sulmona, the Epistulae ex Ponto, going through some medieval elegies, advancing to the rebirth of the genre with Dante’s Vita nova, and finally getting to Boccaccio’s Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta.

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