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Geórgicas 2.490-542 and paradoxical agriculture
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MUNIZ, Liebert Abreu. Geórgicas 2.490-542 and paradoxical agriculture. PhaoS - Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 00, p. e022012, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/phaos.v22i00.17258. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


The agrarian matter of the Georgics inserts Virgil’s second poem, composed in ca. 37-30 BC, among Latin technical texts. Affiliated to the Hesiodic tradition, the poem presents the characteristic triad of the genre: the master, the matter, and the disciple. In addition, the historical moment in which the poem was composed is conducive to ruptures in the linear reading of the transmission of a technical subject. At the end of Book 1, the poem shows a chaotic world of civil war and murder; Book 2 paradoxically brings about a remarkable change of spirit: the chaotic world gives way to the joy provided by Bacchus and the bountiful harvests. This paradoxical treatment seems to provoke tensions in this matter and seems to prepare the space for Virgil to reflect on the Rome of his time, from a political and philosophical point of view. The expressiveness of poetic language is another factor that affects the ambiguities of the poem, creating the image of the field as a drama of human existence.
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