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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The accepted formats for manuscript submissions are MS Word, OpenOffice and RTF.
  • Whenever applicable, URL addresses must be provided for bibliographical references.
  • The manuscript must use 1.5 spacing and 12-point font. You may use italics or bold, but not underline (except for URL addresses). Figures and tables must be included in the text at their appropriate location rather than at the end of the document or as attachments.
  • The text must comply with the ‘Guidelines for Authors’ specified below.

Author Guidelines

- The journal publishes articles, book reviews and annotated translations of texts from Classical Antiquity.

- Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English or German.

- Quotations in languages that do not adopt the Latin alphabet should preferably be transliterated; however, if the use of Greek characters is deemed necessary, authors must choose between the New Athena Unicode and the S-Greek fonts.

- Quotations of up to three lines must be incorporated in the text, within smart-quotes. Quotations exceeding that limit must be set off from the rest of the text, using single spacing.

- Manuscripts must be submitted in their final, fully revised, version in A4 format, using 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font (in 12-point font).

- All articles must be accompanied by two abstracts of up to 200 words each, one in English and the other in the article’s original language; keywords (not exceeding five) must be set apart on a different line.

- The following rules must be complied with in the ‘References’:

1. Book titles must be in italics and only the first word is capitalized.

2. The ‘References’ (not ‘Bibliography’, nor ‘Bibliographical References’) shall appear at the end of the article.

3. In the ‘References’ section, please use flush left alignment.

4. In case there is more than one work by the same author or authors, do not abbreviate their name or names by using dashes, but rather repeat their name or names for every referenced work. Other guidelines may be inferred from the examples given below.

5. Use ‘p.’ for page or pages and ‘v.’ for verse or verses, instead of ‘pp.’ or ‘vv.’.

6. The keywords in the abstract must be separated by semicola.

7. Besides their email, authors must provide their ORCID, the digital signature accompanying all their published articles. This identification may be easily obtained through:

8. See below the guidelines for the references of books, book chapters and dissertations:


HUTCHINSON, G.O. Greek to latin: frameworks and contexts for intertextuality. Oxford: University Press, 2013.

The edition of a book is to be identified as follows: 2.ed., 3.ed., etc. In case of multiple authors, their names should be separated by semicola.

In the body of the text, the name of the author should be written with a capital and then lower case: Farrell (2001); at the end of a quote, however, in uppercase (FARRELL, 2001).


HUNTER, Richard. Greek elegy. In: THORSEN, Thea S. Latin love elegy. Cambridge: University Press, 2013, p.23-38.


CORREA, Paula Cunha. Notas a Arquíloco, Fr. 118 & 119 IEG2. Classica, v. 30, n. 2, p. 25-33, 2017. Available at: Accessed on: 6 June 2018.

For a quotation in the body of the text, please follow instructions for items (a) and (b).


JULIANI, Talita Janine. Vestígios de Ovídio em Sobre as mulheres famosas (De mulieribus claris, 1361-1362) de Giovanni Boccaccio. 2016. 180 p. Dissertation (PhD in Linguistics) – Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2016.

For a quotation in the body of the text, please follow instructions for items (a) and (b).

General: In the references, apply single spacing do not use justification.



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Email addresses in this website will be used exclusively in any correspondence between the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Office. Reviews will always be blind and issued based on texts in which the author’s names will not be shown.