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Pre-university Preparatory Course Colmeia
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Pre-university preparatory course
Socio-spatial impacts

How to Cite

Rimoli, J., Curitiba, J. A., & Alves, J. D. G. . (2020). Pre-university Preparatory Course Colmeia: Welcoming, Bond and Socio-spatial impacts. International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement, 1(1), 19–30.


In view of the mission of popular pre-university preparatory course, regarding access to Higher Education, the objective of this work is to analyze the socio-spatial impacts of the extension project “Cursinho Pre-vestibular Colmeia - Youth building their future project”, located in the municipality of Limeira. The methodology consists of two strategies, being a) geoprocessing of the spatial distribution of students in the municipality and b) applying a questionnaire to a sample of 21 alumni, aiming at the analysis of the social and subjective dimension. The results showed that Colmeia has a wide range of spatial scales (local, regional and interstate), guaranteeing a capillarity in its spatial distribution in peripheral neighborhoods, due to its educational reputation, disclosure, gratuity that guarantees access and permanence, following criteria socioeconomic evaluation and fulfilled the function of university extension between the university and society. It was also found that the welcoming and the pedagogical bonds that were formed were experiences with meanings, significance and collaborate for approvals in the entrance exams and emancipations of the students.
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