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Um exemplo de continuidade entre a representação do sacrifício cristão, hebraico e greco-romano no Renascimento: o friso da nave central de San Giovanni Evangelista, em Parma
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San Giovanni Evangelista, Parma

How to Cite

BERBARA, Maria. Um exemplo de continuidade entre a representação do sacrifício cristão, hebraico e greco-romano no Renascimento: o friso da nave central de San Giovanni Evangelista, em Parma. Figura: Studies on the Classical Tradition, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 1, p. 164–183, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/figura.v8i1.13581. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 sep. 2024.


This paper will investigate the iconography of a group of sacrificial scenes attributed to Correggio and his atelier in San Giovanni Evangelista, Parma. The scenes, which appear in a painted frieze in the central nave of the church, consist of a series of frescoes divided into thirteen sections of 4.60m one each above the six arches on either side, and a larger one above the entrance, on the west wall. In each section, there appear a prophet holding an inscription in Latin; a sybil with one in Greek; and an alternate sacrificial scene typifying respectively the faith of the Jews (with a burning ram) and that of the Gentiles (with the inscription DEO IGNOTO). The iconographical program of the frieze, which is undoubtedly related to the frescoes at the cupola, presents an extraordinary complexity, revealing a degree of erudition characteristic of the artistic circles of Parma and of the St Benedictine Rule, whose monks were probably responsible for the whole project. This paper will compare these paintings to other contemporary works incorporating Jewish and Greco-Roman forms of sacrifice into Christian iconographical programs, pointing out their differences and similarities.
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