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Liquid landscapes and dissolved tempos.
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Visual narrative
Artistic cartography

How to Cite

RUIZ BAÑÓN, María Luz. Liquid landscapes and dissolved tempos. : cartography artistic and the memory of the place. Revista Visuais, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 2, p. 68–94, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/visuais.v6i2.14809. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


cartography as a means of reflecting the different temporalities and spatialities present in the landscape. In recent years, these spaces have been subjected to the migratory flow of globalisation and the dissolution of spatial-temporal borders resulting from a process of intercommunication on a global scale, where the local has lost relevance in the face of the global. The aim of this analysis is to outline a brief panorama of different strategies for spatial-temporal reconstruction and the delimitation of chronologies present in the image of the artistic landscape. To this end, a review is made of certain pictorial, photographic and audiovisual works that can be considered representative and that will reveal the different strategies used to reflect the liquid memory of the place in different ways.
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AMELA, V., SANCHÍS, I. y AMIGUET, L. (2010, 9 de noviembre). Nosotros, como el tiempo, también nos desdoblamos. La Vanguardia. Recuperado de: tambien-nos-desdoblamos.html

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