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Landscapes of the soul
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Soul World
Spirit of the place
Free thoughts

How to Cite

CORBELLA LLOBET, Domènec. Landscapes of the soul: aesthetic binomials and 33 free thoughts on painting. Revista Visuais, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 2, p. 18–47, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/visuais.v6i2.14766. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


The pictorial trajectory carried out by the author of the essay over the last twenty years shows that landscape painting has been treated in an autonomous way, with the minimum possible conditions. Similarly, experimental praxis has been accompanied by reasoned or analyzed studies on its conception and development. At the very least, his thought has been transferred through essays that have been published in different media, some of which are accessible in Corbella, 2012. The one at hand proposes, in synthesis, an integration or compendium of the ideas, concepts or principles that have conformed the most outstanding concerns and concerns about landscape painting, with clear evidence from the oriental aesthetic. In it you will find some of the keys, constants and notions that the writer of this essay considers fundamental in order to redefine the contemporary pictorial landscape. Two chapters of aesthetic and intercultural binomials, followed by thirty-three thoughts of the author on painting, show us the experiential profile that makes possible the expression of a painted landscape, which emanates or follows the path of the painter's soul from the spirit of the place.
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