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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution will be original and unpublished, and should not be in an evaluation process for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file will be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for references should be informed whenever possible.
  • The text will be in single space; a 12-point font; italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores, on the About magazine page.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (example: articles), the instructions available in should be followed.

Author Guidelines


Articles: Categories

Article evaluation

Papers submission

Presentation formality

Guidelines for Dossiers.

The BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE EDUCATION (RBEC) has the mission of disseminating the qualified production of scientific studies and research, of theoretical or empirical nature on comparative education. This electronic publication disseminates articles from the national and international scientific community, in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French, dealing with subjects and issues of interest in the field of national and international comparative education. It seeks to contribute to the training of researchers in the field of Comparative Education by disseminating studies and research conducted by educators, linked to national and international academic institutions. Articles, experience reports, interviews, communications, research and essays by interested authors are peer reviewed, especially invited by the Editorial Board. Papers submitted for publication must be unpublished, in print or electronic media, and their submission is not allowed simultaneously for evaluation in another journal. Papers that do not focus on the subject of comparative education, research projects or reports, experience reports, descriptive articles without problematization of the theme, thesis chapter (s), dissertations or course conclusion papers will not be accepted for publication. (or version thereof) already published in national or foreign proceedings and journals, whether in print or digital format.

The publication of articles, critical reviews and other works in the Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education, after the final approval of the Editorial Committee (EC), composed by the Associated Editors, will only happen after the signing of the Copyright and Originality Assignment Agreement.

The works will be fully available in electronic format on the website  

The Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education states that the concepts and positions issued in the published texts are the sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Editorial Board of this journal.

The ethical treatment of the research to which the article refers is the responsibility of the authors.

Each author may only have one article in process between the beginning of the submission and the final publication. An interval of 18 months will be observed between the publication of texts written by the same author and the beginning of a new submission process.

We warn that the guidelines listed here must be strictly followed by the authors, as their failure to comply may imply the immediate rejection of the text.

Articles: Categories

The Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education publishes texts taking into consideration the originality of the theme, density and conceptual rigor in the approach of the subject and the syntactic quality of the text, resulting from research (specified research information and funding agency, when applicable) and essay composing the different sections of the journal. According to the theme, the articles are published in the sections: Articles, Review & Synthesis, Analysis of Pedagogical Practices, Training of Education Professionals, Debates & Polemics, Images & Words (section for the publication of works on topics related to media and education, as well as essays, comments, and book reviews, interviews, films, and other cultural products of interest to the field of comparative education.

Article evaluation

The journal's editorial policy defines the following categories for text evaluation: content, form, originality, relevance, theoretical consistency and analytical rigor, timeliness, text quality, and suitability for editorial scope.

Submitted originals go through three phases. The first is the screening by the Coordinating Editor and Assistant Editor, who examine the adequacy of the work to the journal's editorial line and its potential for publication; the second, a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee to identify the contribution and quality of the article to the journal; and the third phase, a double-blind evaluation. The final decision returns to the Editorial Committee.

Articles considered within the scope and adequate to the editorial criteria of the journal are sent by the Editorial Committee to the reviewers (at least two). It is up to them to recommend acceptance, refusal or reformulation of the works. In case of reformulation, the texts should be returned to the referees for final evaluation. The evaluation result will be sent to the author.

With the double blind review system, the names of the reviewers will remain confidential and the names of the authors will also be omitted. Therefore, when submitting the article in the system, anonymity of authorship is indispensable. Under no circumstances can the author (s) identify in the body of the text. An explicit reference to authorship is considered anonymity - citation of the name of the author (s) of the article or reference to articles authored or co-authored in previous work. Once the article is approved for publication, the information considered pertinent and needed will be reinserted.

Final acceptance of articles depends on the following criteria:

- Recommendation of the reviewers.

- Make the necessary adjustments by the author (s).

- Approval of the article by the Editorial Committee, composed by the Associated Editors, whose resolution will include five types of evaluation:


Make mandatory corrections.

Resubmit for evaluation.

Submit to another magazine.


Papers submission

The Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education operates exclusively through the Open Journal System online system as a support for electronic management and publication of scientific journals. Thus, the whole process of article capture and arbitration necessarily goes through this electronic platform.

Each author must register with the system and submit their work for consideration in a double blind review as follows:

The author (s) of the document exclude names from the text, replacing them with "Author" and the year in references and notes, rather than author names, article title, etc.

In Microsoft Office documents, the author ID must be removed from the document properties (from the File> Properties menu) by starting from File in the main menu and clicking the following: File> Save As ...> Tools (or Options) on Mac)> Security Options ...> Remove Personal Information from File on Save> OK> Save.

Authors can even follow the entire process of text arbitration from their login and password. Access to the registration system can be done through the following path:  

After registration, the user will be able to submit their work through the link:  

Presentation formality

Authors must submit the text for spelling and grammar review before submitting it to the Journal. The text volume of articles, including abstracts, notes and bibliographic references, should be between 35,000 (minimum volume) and 44,000 (maximum volume) characters with spaces, except in exceptional cases at the discretion of the Editors. Critical reviews should not exceed 10,000 characters with spaces. Originals must be submitted in .DOC or .DOCX (Word for Windows), A4 format, in the following characteristics:

Title and subtitle of the article: Times New Roman 16, centered, bold, with a maximum of two lines and up to 15 words, representing the content of the article. Title and subtitle must also be presented in English and French, in which case they must be bold and italic.

Internal titles and subtitles: Times New Roman 14 font, respectively, bold and centered.

Abstract and Keywords: should not exceed 800 characters (including spaces), maximum 5 keywords to identify the content of the article, separated by period. Use Times New Roman 12 font without indentation. Abstract and keywords must also be presented in English and French.

Body of the text: top, bottom, left and right margin of 2.54 cm; Times New Roman 12 font; double space between lines; left aligned; and indented from paragraphs with 7 spaces. The page number appears 2.54 cm from the right margin on the first line of each page.

Tables and graphs: They should come at the end of the article file itself, right after the references. Each table / graph must be identified with its title (obligatorily) and caption (if any). Tables should always be in editable format and never in images.

We warn that the graphics must be produced in black and white.

Table 1: Students Enrolled in Higher Education, year 2015.

(always indicate whether in% or absolute numbers in Arial 12, centered)


Número Alunos Matriculados

São Paulo






Source: MEC, School Census, 2015 (Arial 10, centered).

Graph 1: European Parliament Elections 2015 (Arial 12, centralized).

Source: European Parliament, 2015.

Images, figures and photographs: They should be inserted at the end of the article file itself, after the tables, with the following characteristics: black and white, high contrast, minimum resolution of 300 DPI, minimum width of 1200 pixels, JPG format, PNG, PDF or EPS. Please note that images, pictures and photographs will be published with a maximum width of 100 mm.


Figure 1: Financing Data in U $ (equivalent to each currency / country. (Arial 12, centralized)

Source: Based on research (Arial 10, centralized)

Notes: When they exist, they should be numbered sequentially and placed at the end of the article, before the references (endnotes). The use of bibliographic notes is not allowed. For this, the citations in the text should be used according to the norms of APA (American Psychological Association - , ,

References: Must comply with APA (American Psychological Association)

- , , ), being sorted alphabetically by the surname of the first author. In bibliographic references of up to three authors, all may be cited, separated by semicolons. In references with more than three authors, cite only the first author, followed by the expression et al. The accuracy of the references in the listing and the correct citation of their data in the text are the responsibility of the author (s) of the work.

Guidelines for Dossiers.

The Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education also publishes Thematic Dossiers according to the scope of the journal. These can be designed from proposals or calls from Associate Editors, Journal Editorial Committees, or proposals from the academic, national and international community.

Proposals submitted by the academic community will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee (EC) of the Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education, composed by the Coordinating Editor, and Associate Editors, which will be in charge of deciding whether or not to approve it. Proposals that present relevant and emerging themes that contemplate the relationship between education and society will be privileged.

Proposals should be sent to The following are the minimum requirements for submission of Thematic Dossiers:

  1. Title and menu of proposed dossier.
  2. Name and curriculum summary of the dossier organizer. A maximum of two organizers will be allowed per dossier.
  3. Problematization of the theme and its justification.
  4. Structure of the dossier.
  5. List of articles that will compose the dossier, containing: titles and expanded abstracts of each one (maximum of two pages each).
  6. Name and curriculum summary of the dossier contributors.
  7. The organizer should request input from national and international experts. The dossier should have at least two international articles.
  8. Articles in the dossier should be unpublished, ie, they should not have been published in any other medium, whether printed, digital or otherwise, nor should they be evaluated in another journal.
  9. The deadline for the consideration of a dossier proposal by the EC is a maximum of two months, at the end of which the Organizer will receive an email informing him of the outcome.
  10. If the proposal is approved, the Organizer will have to ask all authors in the dossier to register and submit their articles for evaluation in the online system ( (see submission guidelines) according to dates agreed between Organizer and EC, considered necessary time for authors and for editorial processing and edition of the number foreseen for its publication.
  11. If the authors do not insert their articles, there is any change in the initial proposal or there is a breach of the deadlines, without consultation and consent of the EC of the Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education, the proposed dossier will be automatically deleted.
  12. Approval of the dossier does not imply automatic approval of the articles contained therein. Each article will be subject to specific evaluation, after which changes or deletion of the dossier may be suggested, and the Organizer will be in charge of replacing it, respecting the deadlines agreed with the EC. Substitutions may only occur with their explicit acceptance.
  13. Only those dossiers with at least six articles with favorable opinions will be published.
  14. It is up to the Organizer to monitor the editorial production of the dossier during all stages, acting, when requested, as an intermediary between the editors and the authors of the articles.
  15. The Organizer may be the author of an article, the Presentation and second co-author of at most one other article.
  16. The Organizer will be in charge of preparing a dossier presentation.
  17. The set of articles in the dossier should occupy a total of at least eight articles, obeying the article submission rules of the Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education.
  18. The omitted cases will be analyzed by the EC of the Brazilian Journal of Comparative Education.


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