The camera, the flâneur, and history
Na imagem, a margem esquerda contém informações bibliográficas da revista, enquanto no centro superior encontra-se o logotipo. Abaixo do logotipo, há um desenho rabiscado com quatro pessoas parcialmente sobrepostas, cada uma com poses diferentes das mãos: duas com as mãos próximas ao peito, uma cobrindo os ouvidos mais ao fundo e outra puxando a cabeça para a direita.
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Walter Benjamin
Gisèle Freund
Germaine Krull

How to Cite

SANTOS, Wanderson Barbosa dos. The camera, the flâneur, and history: dialogues on photography between Walter Benjamin, Gisèle Freund and Germaine Krull. PROA: Revista de Antropologia e Arte, Campinas, SP, v. 13, p. e023006, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/proa.v13i.17911. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


This study addresses the relationship between photography and socio-philosophical thinking. The motto for reflection is the dialogues between the productions of Walter Benjamin, Gisèle Freund and Germaine Krull. Benjamin’s philosophy, the sociological studies of Gisèle Freund and the photographs of Germaine Krull, are an important chapter in the History of the development of photography, just as they representative of a set reading that emerge from the intersection of the debate about technique, art and modernity. In the context of the rise of authoritarian regimes in Europe, Benjamin, Freund and Krull find in the situation of exile in Paris a meeting point for the development of their intellectual works. In Parisian exile, the works of these three modern thinkers intertwine in a relevant dialogue about the developments of the advancement of photographic technique and their role in apprehending the transformations of the urban world.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Wanderson Barbosa dos Santos


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