Is Christian Dior dead?
Na imagem, a margem esquerda contém informações bibliográficas da revista, enquanto no centro superior encontra-se o logotipo. Abaixo do logotipo, há um desenho rabiscado com quatro pessoas parcialmente sobrepostas, cada uma com poses diferentes das mãos: duas com as mãos próximas ao peito, uma cobrindo os ouvidos mais ao fundo e outra puxando a cabeça para a direita.
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How to Cite

GABINIO, Amanda de Oliveira; VIEIRA, Gabriel Luz Siqueira. Is Christian Dior dead? thoughts on phantasmagoria and aura in fashion from Dior and Me. PROA: Revista de Antropologia e Arte, Campinas, SP, v. 13, p. e023002, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/proa.v13i.17905. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


In this article we will analyze aspects of the world of fashion, from the documentary Dior and I, using Benjamin's categories of phantasmagoria and aura and their relationship with questions about art, magic and mana brought by Marcel Mauss. In addition to using Lévi-Strauss to think about a symbolic relationship between these categories. We also worked on the issue of succession and what it means to be a creative genius inside capitalism. Finally, the filmic discourse was analyzed with the contribution of works by Gilles Lipovetsky and John Berger, which were extremely important for understanding the history of fashion and its close relationship with art.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amanda de Oliveira Gabinio, Gabriel Luz Siqueira Vieira


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