Audiovisual boarding strategies for folkloric music
Na imagem, a margem esquerda contém informações bibliográficas da revista, enquanto no centro superior encontra-se o logotipo. Abaixo do logotipo, há um desenho rabiscado com quatro pessoas parcialmente sobrepostas, cada uma com poses diferentes das mãos: duas com as mãos próximas ao peito, uma cobrindo os ouvidos mais ao fundo e outra puxando a cabeça para a direita.
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Ethnomusicological audiovisual
Research with audiovisual
Folkloric musician and image
Musical documentary

How to Cite

AROCENA, Fabián. Audiovisual boarding strategies for folkloric music. PROA: Revista de Antropologia e Arte, Campinas, SP, v. 13, p. e023018, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/proa.v13i.16622. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


The paper develops some reflections on audiovisual recording as a tool for ethnomusicological research. Framed in the fieldwork carried out as a master’s dissertation, which interviewed and recorded in audiovisual support about 40 musicians (mainly accordion and bandoneon players) from the northeastern region of Uruguay bordering Brazil, we review some experiences of researchers who among other things sought (and seek) to reflect on the uses of the audiovisual inside and outside the academy (Rouch, Macdougall, etc.). Some of the consequences generated by fieldwork using the camera are presented. In particular, the potential of the audiovisual as a tool in the construction of the object of study is proposed and reaffirmed.
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