Call for Dossier proposals - 2025 and 2026

Proa: Journal of Art and Anthropology invites researchers to submit dossier proposals for publication in the 2025 (Proa v. 15) and 2026 (Proa v. 16) editions of the journal. Proa's editorial lines include Anthropology and Sociology of Art, Visual Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Ethnoaesthetics, History of Art, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Policies, Contemporary Artistic Practices, Performances and Rituals. We also welcome submissions on the History of Anthropology. The aim of the journal is to foster dialogue between the arts and the social sciences, providing space for national and international contributions in the form of reviews, articles, experience reports, translations, interviews, debates and virtual exhibitions, encouraging interdisciplinarity and hosting artistic expressions and reflections of various kinds - from music to literature, cinema, photography, indigenous arts and museum representation, among others.

Proposals should be sent directly to the journal's e-mail address ( call concerns the publication of two dossiers, one in each issue of the journal, as mentioned above.

What is a Dossier?

The dossier section comprises collections of articles and/or thematic essays organized by the Editorial Committee, by invited researchers or selected through calls for proposals.A dossier aims to bring together research that focuses on a theme or problem that contributes to the field of studies linked to the scope of the journal.All articles and essays received for the dossier will be subject to the same parameters as those indicated for continuous flow contributions.

Preparing the proposal

Dossier proposals, submitted as a PDF file, formatted in a legible 12 pt font with 1.5 cm spacing, must contain the following information:

  • Short title, in Portuguese, Spanish and English;
  • Full names of the organizers and their respective institutional affiliation (a maximum of 3; at least one of the organizers must hold a PhD degree);
  • Brief presentation of the proposal and justification, in Portuguese or Spanish, or English, highlighting the importance and contribution of the dossier to the field of Anthropology and Art;
  • The intended publication volume (v. 15 or v. 16).


Proposals for publication in Proa v. 15 and Proa v. 16 must be sent by May 31, 2024, by e-mail, with the subject Dossier Proposal.

All proposals submitted by the deadline will be considered. Proposals will be selected by the Editorial Committee and Associate Editors, taking into account the originality of the theme and its relevance to discussions related to anthropology and art, within the scope of Proa.

The organizers of approved proposals will receive guidance on the publication of the dossier.

Proposals approved for publication in 2025 may receive submissions (articles and/or essays) until December 2, 2024.

Proposals approved for publication in 2026 may receive submissions until November 2, 2025.

Responsibilities of the organizers

The organizers are responsible for writing the proposal submitted to Proa. They are also responsible for inviting or selecting authors, guiding them through the submission of articles or essays in the journal's system and providing the first opinion. The organizers must also write the presentation of the dossier and will not receive any monetary compensation for the work associated with the publication of the dossier in Proa.

It is the responsibility of the organizers to deliver the initial opinion for each article or essay by the agreed deadline. After the entire submission process in the Proa system, from the date of receipt of the articles/essays to the date of their acceptance by the Section Editor, the submissions will be diagrammed and published in Proa, in continuous publication mode.

The articles included in the proposals submitted to Proa will receive, in addition to the initial opinions of the organizers and an ad hoc referee invited by the Editorial Committee, the evaluation of the Section Editor, who will be responsible for deciding whether or not to accept the submissions, either pre- or post-review, as well as communicating the editorial decisions to the authors. The Section Editors have the right to reject any manuscript, based on the opinions requested or their own, even from invited authors, that is outside the scope or standards practiced by Proa.