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The cynical life of cleanthes
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Cleanthes of Assos
Diógenes Laércio

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COSTA NUNES ANDRADE LEITE, Danilo. The cynical life of cleanthes: love of labor as a philosophy of life. PhaoS - Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e019003, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


I intend to explore the relationship between cynicism and Cleanthes, Stoa’s second leader and disciple of Zeno, by studying his life. According to the tradition, his life expresses an affinity with the life of the Cynics centered on the idea of ​​φιλοπονία, or love of toil. Just as in the case of the Cynics, his willingness to face toils and penances made him systematically observe himself, and refuse pleasure. Although the accounts of his life and death, anecdotes, apothegms should be read in the context of the philosophical successions produced to show the relationship between Stoicism and, ultimately, Socrates, it is not an accident that Cleanthes’ life serves as material for this.

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