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The theater of love in Ars Amatoria's first book
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Ars Amatoria

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DUQUE, Guilherme Horst. The theater of love in Ars Amatoria’s first book: seduction, persuasion and performance. PhaoS - Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e019008, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


The performative nature of the discourse employed by the elegiac poets with a view to conquering their puellae, widely recognised by scholars, is above all seen in Ovid and is one of the core components of the lessons contained in his Ars Amatoria. In this article, I aim to illustrate how the poet’s counsel in Book I is centred on performance. The game of seduction, as depicted by the poet, assigns specific roles to man and woman thereby constructing a ‘theatre of love’. I intend to show that this is firstly reflected in the vocabulary deployed by the poet, with its strong theatrical undertones, but also in the content of his advice, which instructs the readers to act in a calculated fashion to present an intended image of the seducer as a suffering lover, aiming to persuade the addressee to yield to his sexual desire.

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