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Aspectos da contemplação Plotiniana



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BARACAT JÚNIOR, José Carlos. Aspectos da contemplação Plotiniana. Phaos: Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, n. 2, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Scholars commonly regard Plotinus' bold and original doctrine of productive contemplation as one of the main features of reality's procession from and return to the One. As a main feature, it is also believed - at least has never been doubted - that it is present in ali Plotinus' treatises as it is in Ennead 111. 8 [30], for he should have his philosophical system developed before starting writing the treatisies down, since he started his brief litterary activity late in life. What this paper tries to show is that there is no trace of that doctrine in the 29 treatises Plotinus wrote before his On Nature, Contemplation and the One; and also that, in opposition to lI!. 8 [30], contemplation in previous treatises was never an ontogoninc act, from which a new hierarchically inferior being is produced, but rather a static situation in which a being delights in vision of a hierarchically superior being.



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