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A arbitrariedade do sentido e do poder em Àjax 1047-1162


Tragedy. Sophocles. Ajax. Politics. Homeric epos.

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WERNER, Christian. A arbitrariedade do sentido e do poder em Àjax 1047-1162. Phaos: Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, n. 4, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 dez. 2024.


A detailed analysis of Ajax 1047-1162 indicates the way different political protocols familiar to 5th century Athenians could be articulated in the speeches of a tragedy. If we pay attention to the presence of epic strata, to the expression of multiple passions that determine actions and speeches, and also to some comic or quasi-comic moments, then it can be perceived that neither Menelaus nor Teucer defend or represent coherently a political regime. The text shows to the spectator, first of ali, the limits of speech and power.



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