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φιληδής e outros compostos sigmáticos em -ηδης (μελιηδής, θυμηδής, αὐθάδης)


S-stem adjective compounds. Compound derivation. Compound orientation.

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MACEDO, José Marcos. φιληδής e outros compostos sigmáticos em -ηδης (μελιηδής, θυμηδής, αὐθάδης). Phaos: Revista de Estudos Clássicos, Campinas, SP, n. 8, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


First attested in Aristotle, the compound φιληδής may be a convenient staring point for a brief appraisal of older s-stem adjective compounds of the -ηδης type. As argued in this article, compounds in -ηδης may be interpreted as right-oriented compounds having either a nominal (μελιηδής) or a verbal head (θυμηδής, αὐθάδης). Those showing a verbal head, it is claimed, are best interpreted as derived from the aorist stem. The verbal character in such compounds seems to have been so clear in later times that, in a scholium to Pindar, φιληδής is not taken anymore as a verb-first compound (= “who is fond of pleasure”) but as a verb-second compound (= “who pleases easily”).



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