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Contributions to the study of Kraho and Timbira kinship terminology
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PAULINO, Carlos. Contributions to the study of Kraho and Timbira kinship terminology. Maloca: Revista de Estudos Indígenas, Campinas, SP, v. 3, n. 00, p. e020010, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/maloca.v3i00.13498. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The Kraho kinship terminology was first described by Julio Melatti and counts among its key features skewing and the principle of unity of the same sex sibling group. This text aims to revisit Melatti’s classic description in the light of new data obtained among the Kraho, as well as data from other Timbira groups - with special emphasis on the contribution of Maria Elisa Ladeira on Kraho and Canela matrimonial and onomastic exchange regimes, and on the Apinajé terminology as described by Roberto DaMatta. Based on the data, I propose it is possible to imagine a single terminological system common to all Timbira groups. The article tries to discern how kinship terminology integrates with matrimonial and onomastic exchange regimes even among groups such as the Timbira which have no positive marriage rule.
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