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Childbirth preparation group at Hospital Estadual Sumaré
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Community-institutional relations
Health education

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Sanfelice, C. F. de O., Anastácio, J. V., Montessino , J. M. T., Janhaque, V. R., Godoy , G. A., Vieira , D. A. N., … Carbol, L. F. (2023). Childbirth preparation group at Hospital Estadual Sumaré. International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement, 4(00), e023004.


Introduction: Studies indicate that women who attend childbirth preparation groups are more likely to have satisfactory childbirth experiences, because they benefit from increased knowledge on the subject. This extension project aims to offer a preparation program for the childbirth experience, encompassing physiological and emotional aspects of the process. Methods: Weekly meetings at Hospital Estadual Sumaré (HES). Pregnant women are invited to participate by health professionals who attend prenatal care in the city, or by other pregnant already participating. In each meeting, a theme is discussed on how to encourage and prepare for normal birth, based on the current recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. Several educational strategies are used and a space is provided for an intense exchange of information between pregnant women and the team. Every month a visit is made to the Obstetric Center and Joint Lodging to favor the link with the service, as recommended by the Ministry of Health. Results: To date, about 190 pregnant women have passed through the group. It is perceived that pregnant women show more interest and willingness to experience normal childbirth after the information received in the meetings. In addition, their experiences of childbirth have been positive, which can be observed through the reports of childbirth shared in the group. Conclusion: The meetings provided by the group seem to positively impact the participants' experiences of childbirth and increase the demand for normal birth.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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