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University extension
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How to Cite

Schons, A. F. ., Henke, M., & Ceolin, S. R. (2022). University extension: a theoretical and practical approach to malicious activities in the home office, good practices and prevention. International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement, 3(00), e022004.


The extension project, Physical and logical security in the organizational environment, a theoretical and practical approach, created in 2016, has Information Technology as its extension line, meets the UFSM extension policy and the Institutional Development Plan (PDI - CTISM /UFSM). Its main goal is to strengthen the link between the Educational Institution and the corporate environment, bringing alerts and good practices to the community to mitigate malicious activities in the use of the Internet. During the years of application, it was seen that university extension plays a much greater role than that of democratizing knowledge, as well as bringing the general community closer to the educational institution, adapting the research to the context of the general population. Becoming a means of interconnecting teaching with research and practice in the community. This article addresses the main results of the project mentioning the university extension guidelines through its main objective.
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A Revista Internacional de Extensão da Unicamp segue as normas da American Psychological Association (APA) para citações e referências.

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De Araújo, W., De Azevedo, P. M., Silva, N. B. X.. (2013) Engenharia social nas redes sociais online: um estudo de caso sobre a exposição de informações pessoais e a necessidade de estratégias de segurança da informação. Revista Ibero-americana de Ciência da Informação. vol. 6 (n. 2), p 37-55.

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Nagli, L. S. D. (2020, novembro). Pandemia na Pandemia: A Escalada de Ataques Cibernéticos Pós COVID-19. Anais Congresso Transformação Digital 2020, São Paulo, SP.

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. 2008. Política de Extensão da UFSM. Santa Maria, RS. Recuperado de

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Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement


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