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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text uses 1.5 line spacing; uses Calibri font size 11; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Make sure that the Metadata exemplified below with the appropriate instructions is correctly included in the submission:
    1) Title: If the book title begins with "A" or "O" (or something similar in alphabetical order) place the word in the prefix. Do not put title in UPPERCASE.

    2) Subtitle: Include the subtitle always started by lowercase.

    3) Abstract: Include the abstract in Portuguese and English with up to 250 words.

    4) Coverage Information: Include in this spatial area and temporality, i.e., location and chronology. (E.g.: Brazil; Contemporary or Brazil; 21st or Global Century; Contemporary. Do the same for English).

    5) Type: Include the support type in this field. (E.g. Texto for Portuguese and Text for English).

    6) Rights: Here in this field, always place the Journal Creative Commons license:

    7) Languages: Enter both languages of the submission, including only the acronyms of the languages. (E.g. for Portuguese - pt / for English - en).

    8) Area of knowledge: Enter the area of knowledge of the theme (e.g.: Humanities, Economic Sciences or Social Sciences, etc.).

    9) Keywords: Include up to 5 keywords. Initial of each in capital (e.g.: University extension / Public policy / University / University administration).

    10) Funding agencies: It is not mandatory, but if you want to put the agency and the process is in this field that is included. (E.g. FAPESP - Process n.2020/001258).
  • Ciente de que o texto est´´a em conformidade com o
  • TEMPLATE formatado da revista

Author Guidelines


The International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement is a peer-reviewed, open-access biannual academic periodical published and financed by the Outreach and Culture Office (ProEC) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

The goal is to expand, share and update the knowledge linked to the university-community relationship, and specifically higher education outreach and community engagement.

It publishes scientific studies, opinions and practices that arise from outreach and community engagement actions in national and international higher education institutions.

The main topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Institutional and professional competences for university-community collaboration.
  • Communication of the results of outreach and community engagement action.
  • Challenges, practices and tools related to the collaboration between university and society.
  • Development of theories to guide research and practice in outreach and community engagement.
  • Community and civic engagement.
  • Management of higher education outreach and community engagement.
  • Impacts of higher education outreach and community engagement on society and on the higher education institution itself.
  • Indicators and certifications in outreach and community engagement.
  • Innovative initiatives on outreach and community engagement.
  • Community-based and service learning.
  • Engaged research.
  • Public policies in higher education outreach and community engagement.
  • Contemporary questions linked to higher education outreach and community engagement.


This periodical accepts submissions in 5 categories:

  1. Editorial: material under the responsibility of the editorial committee.
  2. Scientific manuscripts (revised by the editor and two reviewers): theoretical manuscripts, state-of-the-art manuscripts, empirical manuscripts, analytic models, methods and research results in the area of extension, qualitative and quantitative studies, etc. These manuscripts can be of broad interest or focused in some specific topic linked to outreach and community engagement.
  3. Outreach and community engagement practices (revised by one editor and one reviewer): descriptive manuscripts about innovative experiences in community engagement and their results, such as methods, processes, programs, cases, practices curricular development, tools, etc.
  4. Reflections (revised by the editor and one reviewer): thought-provoking opinions and analyses, based on data or literature, about current issues on outreach and community engagement.
  5. Reviews of book and monographs (revised by the editor and one reviewer): critical reviews of recent books and academic monographs that have theoretical, practical or political implications for the higher education outreach and community engagement.


The periodical is peer-reviewed. Reviews are double-blind and carried out by one or two independent reviewers, depending on the type of manuscript.

Manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted.

A call will be opened for the first issue, but after that all manuscripts can be submitted at any moment.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the following address: link.

There are no fees for submission, evaluation or publication.

The following evaluation criteria are considered:

  • Novelty
  • Adherence to the scope
  • Scientific soundness
  • Adherence to intellectual property rights
  • Adherence to formatting, citation and reference instructions (see Guide for Authors).



Manuscripts in Portuguese and Spanish must also include an Abstract in English. Manuscripts in English must also include and Abstract in Spanish.

4.1 General Rules

Manuscripts should be submitted in a text format (.doc, .docx or .odt) with the following format:

  • A4 dimensions, 2 cm margins and bottom numbering.
  • 5 line spacing.
  • Figure and Tables should be embedded and use Calibri font, size 10.
  • Main text should be written using Calibri font size 11.
  • 1 cm paragraph indentation and 1.5 cm spacing between consecutive paragraphs.
  • Hyperlinks should be carefully checked by the authors.
  • Authors should ensure that the submission is completely anonymous, removing any authorship information from the file properties.
  • Authorship information should be sent in a separate file containing full names, affiliation, address and contact details.

Rules for each type of manuscript

Type of manuscript


Word number limit




1.000 words

Front page without abstract, main text and references

Scientific articles

editor and two reviewers

3.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Front page, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and appendices (optional)


Editor and one reviewer

1.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Front page, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and appendices (optional)

Book and monograph reviews

Editor and one reviewer

1.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Front page without abstract, main text and references

Practices in outreach and community engagement

Editor and one reviewer

2.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Front page, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and appendices (optional)

Detailed Information on Formatting

Front page

Front pages should the following information:

  1. Title: concise (10 words or less) and representative of the manuscript’s content.
  2. Abstract and keywords in the chosen language: abstract is limited to 500 words and keywords (3 to 5) should be separated by semicolons. Abstract and keywords in the second language must follow the same rules.

4.3. Main text

  1. Manuscript subdivisions: the text should be divided in titles and subtitles (one level), left aligned, with numbering. Boldface and italics fonts should be used for titles and subtitles, respectively.
  2. Footnotes: these should be presented sequentially at the end of the text using Arabic numbers.
  3. Figures: figures should be embedded in the text and adopt standard formats such as JPG and PNG. Figures should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  4. Tables: tables should be embedded in the text with the proper captions.
  5. Appendices: appendices are acceptable when presenting relevant information that would disrupt the reading flow if included directly in the main text.
  6. Citations and references: The International Journal Of Outreach And Community Engagement follows the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Important information

As part of the submission process, authors should observe the following:

  1. The contribution should be original, novel and not be under consideration by other periodical.
  2. Submission will be done electronically and, once complete, will imply in the transfer if publication rights for the period of one year.
  3. After acceptance, all authors will fill a copyright transfer agreement LINK. Declarations regarding image use are an exclusive responsibility of the authors.
  4. The text should follow the APA standard for references and citations.
  5. Any authorship information needs to be removed from file properties and from the text itself.

Originality Agreement click here.


3.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Content: Front page, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and appendices (optional)


1.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)
Content: Front page, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and appendices (optional)


2.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Front page, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and appendices (optional)


1.000 words (excluding title, author information, tables, figures, acknowledgements, references, appendices, abstract and keywords)

Content: Front page without abstract, main text and references

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses submitted to this periodical will be used only for editorial services purposes and will not be made available for other uses.