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About the Journal

The International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement (IJOCE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access biannual academic periodical published and financed by the Outreach and Culture (ProEC) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Our goal is to expand, share and update the knowledge linked to the university-community relationship, and specifically higher education outreach and community engagement. 


The International Journal of Outreach and Community Engagement is a peer-reviewed, open-access biannual academic periodical published and financed by the Outreach and Culture Office (ProEC) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Our goal is to expand, share and update the knowledge linked to the university-community relationship, and specifically higher education outreach and community engagement.

It publishes scientific studies, opinions and practices that arise from outreach and community engagement actions in national and international higher education institutions.

The main topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Institutional and professional competences for university-community collaboration.
  • Communication of the results of outreach and community engagement action.
  • Challenges, practices and tools related to the collaboration between university and society.
  • Development of theories to guide research and practice in outreach and community engagement.
  • Community and civic engagement.
  • Management of higher education outreach and community engagement.
  • Impacts of higher education outreach and community engagement on society and on the higher education institution itself.
  • Indicators and certifications in outreach and community engagement.
  • Innovative initiatives on outreach and community engagement.
  • Community-based and service> learning.
  • Engaged research.
  • Public policies in higher education outreach and community engagement.
  • Contemporary questions linked to higher education outreach and community engagement.



This periodical follows the concepts and directives for higher education outreach and community engagement from the National Forum of Extension of Vice Chancellors of Brazilian Public Universities (FORPROEX). University outreach and community engagement is here understood as inseparable from teaching and research, being the “interdisciplinary, educational, cultural, scientific and political process that promotes the transforming interaction between university and other actors from society”. (Forproex,2012, p.16)[1]

Five directives should guide higher education outreach and community engagement, as detailed in Forproex (2012):

  • Dialogic interaction.
  • Interdisciplinarity and Interprofessionality.
  • Inseparability of teaching, research and, outreach and community engagement.
  • Impact of the student learning.
  • Social transformation.


This periodical accepts submissions in 5 categories:

  1. Editorial: material under the responsibility of the editorial committee.
  2. Scientific manuscripts (revised by the editor and two reviewers): theoretical manuscripts, state-of-the-art manuscripts, empirical manuscripts, analytic models, methods and research results in the area of extension, qualitative and quantitative studies, etc. These manuscripts can be of broad interest or focused in some specific topic linked to outreach and community engagement.
  3. Outreach and community engagement practices (revised by one editor and one reviewer): descriptive manuscripts about innovative experiences in community engagement and their results, such as methods, processes, programs, cases, practices curricular development, tools, etc.
  4. Reflections (revised by the editor and one reviewer): thought-provoking opinions and analyses, based on data or literature, about current issues on outreach and community engagement.
  5. Reviews of book and monographs (revised by the editor and one reviewer): critical reviews of recent books and academic monographs that have theoretical, practical or political implications for the higher education outreach and community engagement.

Cataloging in Publication prepared by Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8º/5447


[1] National Forum of Extension of Vice Chancellors of Brazilian Public Universities – FORPROEX (2012). Outreach and Community Engagement National Policy (in Portuguese). Manaus: Forproex. Available at: Acesso em: 10 set. 2019.