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Alexandre Magno, caçador de leões




Alexandre Magno
Caça ao leão
Arte helenística
Mosaico de Pela

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AMARAL BIAZOTTO, Thiago. Alexandre Magno, caçador de leões: Mosaico de Pela e a doação de Crátero em Delfos. Figura: Studies on the Classical Tradition, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 2, p. 71–117, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/figura.v8i2.13711. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 dec. 2024.


This article argues in favor of a connection between the Craterus' ex-voto at Delphi and the Pella Mosaic, that shows a lion hunting scene with two hunters. It seeks to demonstrate that the mosaic is a copy of the original sculptures, made by Lysippos and Leochares, and, moreover, that the House of Dionysus may have belonged to Craterus' family.


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