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Between religion and politics


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Greeks in Egypt
Egyptian religion
Hellenistic egypt

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GURGEL PEREIRA, Ronaldo Guilherme. Between religion and politics: Greek-Egyptian identity in Ptolemaic Egypt (4th – 1st centuries B.C.). Figura: Studies on the Classical Tradition, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 2, p. 8–35, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/figura.v8i2.13603. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 feb. 2025.


The Hellenistic civilisation in Egypt was the result of complex relations between two symbolic universes in a constant process of update. The Hellenistic period created a new political reality by gathering together the Greek-Dominant and the Egyptian-Dominated in the same physical space. That new community would coexist during the following three centuries. Consequently, one’s perception of “Us” - and its differentiation from “Them” - become blurred. In this article, Egyptian religion gains a major focus to discuss how cultural updates are shaped by the way individuals understand, classify, and interact with the world surrounding them at a political, religious, cultural, and social levels. Hence, constant, gradual and always unpredictable transformations are in charge of redefinitions of cultural identities. The outcome of such a transformation of cultures is a new symbolic universe – in our case a Hellenistic universe – that developed a new world-view, replacing both traditional Egyptian and Hellenic.


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