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Basic analytical chemistry
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Oxidation-reduction reaction
Oxidation state
Electron transfer
Reducing agent
Oxidizing agent
Nernst equation
Electrochemical cells
Standard electrode potentials
Reference electrodes
Formal potentials

How to Cite

Andrade JC de. Basic analytical chemistry: redox equilibria. Rev. Chemkeys [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 24 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];2(.):e020004. Available from:


The chemical reactions occuring with electron transfer are known as oxidation-reduction reactions, oxi-reduction reactions or, simply, redox reactions. The loss or gain of electrons is formally indicated by the variation in the oxidation number of the species involved in the process. This electron transfer can occur directly from the donor to the acceptor agent, through close contact between the reactive species, or through indirect electron transfer. To understand how these chemical systems work, one must know the functioning of an electrochemical cell and the Nernst equation, with all its implications. These are the central themes of this didactic article.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Outras referências didáticas

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Copyright (c) 2020 João Carlos de Andrade


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