Acompanhamento da carga interna de treinamento e o nível de fadiga no período pré-competitivo de jovens atletas de ginástica rítmica


Ginástica rítmica
Carga interna de treinamento
Nível de fadiga

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SOARES, Andressa; SCHIAVON, Laurita; ANTUALPA, Kizzy. Acompanhamento da carga interna de treinamento e o nível de fadiga no período pré-competitivo de jovens atletas de ginástica rítmica. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 27, p. 1–1, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic2720191905. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 maio. 2024.


The Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) is as an artistic and aesthetic sport with a particular training process. This complexity, observed in routines (coreographies) and daily training, demonstrates the need to increase knowledge about the training process, control of the physical, behavioral and technical responses and the level of fatigue/recovery in the sport. Therefore, the aim of this research was to describe the periodization by using internal training load (ITL) of RG athletes (infantile category) and to verify the effect of this load on the performance of the athletes. Using the ratings of perceived exertion through the CR10 - Borg scale (1982), adapted by Foster et. al. (2001) and the Wellbeing (WB) questionnaire. The may findings were: The ITL behaves as expect by coach prescription; The gymnasts seems to handle well with the changes in the load; the physical tests (abdmoninal and dorsal) showed improvements across the investigation.


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LAFFRANCHI, B. Planejamento, aplicação e controle da preparação física da ginástica rítmica: análise do rendimento técnico alcançado das temporadas de competição. [s.l] Universidade do Porto, 2005.

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