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Animate/Inanimate in Cashinahua


Cashinahua; Panoan group; subjectivity of objects; Amazonia, ethnosyntax.

How to Cite

CAMARGO, Eliane. Animate/Inanimate in Cashinahua : Grammar and Sociability. Maloca: Revista de Estudos Indígenas, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 00, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/maloca.v6i00.16977. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


The study on Animate and inanimate categories reveals the animistic elements in Cashinahua philosophy whose concept of the world is based on the general notion of “indifferentiation” of beings. Their language shows morpho-syntactically how they conceive and organize (human and non-human) beings. Cashinahua linguistic expedients show that animate elements and some inanimate ones (such as rocks, arrows) may belong to the class of living beings, and as such are deemed capable of interacting like humans. Lexical category and its ethnosyntax role reflects its semantic category and its syntactic treatment in Cashinhua


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