Development of smart grid applications for smart homes with internet of things
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Internet of things
Smart grids
Internet of energy.

Como Citar

ÁVILA, Felipe Muhamed; AVILA, Luis Fernando de. Development of smart grid applications for smart homes with internet of things. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 26, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic262018418. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 maio. 2024.


This work aims at the study and construction of a system that unifies SmartGrid technologies with the Internet concepts of Things. The union of these creates a new concept called the Internet of Energy. The use of the Internet of things in this branch is precisely to promote an autonomous communication between the various intelligent objects through the internet, providing a greater intercommunication of the system. The application has as main goal to be applied in smart homes. It will be used to increase the efficiency of the home's electrical grid by providing power information currently spent by the connected devices to the user, giving greater control over energy expenditure and decreasing the amount paid by the homeowner in the energy bills at the end of the year. month. This information will all be provided through the Internet, thereby building an intelligent control system that can communicate with a user via the Web.
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