Trophic structure and conservation status of avifauna in the Poste neighborhood in Jundiaí-SP, Brazil


Urban birds

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ROSA, Jennifer da; ROCHA-LIMA, Ana; FRANCALACI, Aline; ROCHA, Paulo. Trophic structure and conservation status of avifauna in the Poste neighborhood in Jundiaí-SP, Brazil. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 27, p. 1–1, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic2720192495. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2024.


Brazil has around 1900 species of birds and is among the three countries with the highest diversity of species, many of them endemic, of which 236 species are endangered. Residential occupation predominates in the Poste neighborhood, although the locality also presents a varied agricultural activity and small fragments of forest. The objective of this survey was to know the composition of the avifauna in the Poste neighborhood, located in the city of Jundiaí-SP, Brazil, as well as associate the species sighted with their eating habits and conservation status. A visual and auditory observation was made during the months of April and June of 2019. A total of 61 species belonging to 33 families were identified, predominantly insectivorous and omnivorous species. All species seen in the present study are classified as Least-Concern (LC) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and with the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna. Because it is an isolated urban neighborhood in the countryside, most of the species found are urban birds occurring in pastures, plantations and forest edges. The present sample identified about 18% of the species registered for the city of Jundiaí, which records more than 300 species. The number of sampled species is low when compared to the city's bird list. The majority of the species that occurs in the locality are generalist species, since the environmental degradation contributes to the reduction of biodiversity.


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The IUCN – Red List of Threatened Species. Available at:
WikiAves – A enciclopédia das Aves do Brasil – Espécies de Jundiaí Available at:

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