A comparative study on hierarchical clustering techniques applied to solar flare forecasting
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Hierarchical clustering
Solar flare forecasting
Space weather.

Como Citar

BUENO, Mirelle Candida; COELHO, Guilherme Palermo; SILVA, Ana Estela Antunes da. A comparative study on hierarchical clustering techniques applied to solar flare forecasting. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 26, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic2620181058. Disponível em: https://econtents.bc.unicamp.br/eventos/index.php/pibic/article/view/1058. Acesso em: 2 maio. 2024.


Due to the harmful effects that high intensity solar flares may cause, several research groups are dedicated to the task of predicting this phenomenon. Given this scenario, the present project applied and compared hierarchical clustering techniques as a preprocessing step to solar flare forecasting, in order to verify whether this approach leads to improvements.

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