Mechanical project and support for the robotic infrastructure of an autonomous eletric mini-vehicle


Electronic differential
Autonomous vehicle
Mechanical project

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RODRIGUES, Túlio; PAIVA, Ely de. Mechanical project and support for the robotic infrastructure of an autonomous eletric mini-vehicle. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 27, p. 1–1, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic2720192118. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 maio. 2024.


Currently in Brazil the initiatives of the automotive industry in the sector of autonomous vehicles are incipient. In addition, research is still very limited in this area and when it comes to the control of all-terrain vehicles, as well as farm vehicles, it is still more sparse. Given the great importance of the agricultural sector in the Brazilian economy, the development of technology in the area could become more than a scientific exponent, a great agent of social development. In this context is the project VERDE - Robotic Electric Vehicle of Electronic Differential (2014 - 2018) conducted by FEM-UNICAMP, in partnership with CTI - RENATO ARCHER, in which the present scientific initiation project is inserted.


Rajamani, R.; Vehicle Dynamics and Control, 2nd ed, 2012.

Cordeiro, R.A., Vitorino, A., P.A.V. Ferreira, E. C. Paiva. “Tire-Ground Forces Estimation in a 4-Wheel Vehicle Using a Delayed Interconnected Cascade-Observer Structure.” IFAC-PapersOnLine, v. 49, p. 139-144, 2016.

RIBEIRO, A. M. ; FIORAVANTI, A. , de Paiva E.C. “Controle de Guinada de um Veículo Elétrico com Tração Traseira via Modos Deslizantes”, 2016.

Lemos, Randerson, G. Sobral, L. Mirisola, R. Martins, M. Koyama, Bueno, S.S., de Paiva, E. C. “Estratégia de Navegação Autônoma entre Arruamentos de Fileiras de Cultivares baseada em Laser”, 2017.

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