Lyrical technique as a pedagogical tool for teaching brazilian popular singing
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Vocal pedagogy
Lyrical singing
Popular singing.

Como Citar

SILVA, Sarah Nicoli da; FERNANDES, Angelo Jose. Lyrical technique as a pedagogical tool for teaching brazilian popular singing. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 26, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic2620181244. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 maio. 2024.


The present study consists in proposing the use of the lyrical technique dissociated from the aesthetics of sacred music, opera, and concert music, for which its use has become reputed, to use it as a healthy and efficient tool in the vocal muscular training of the Brazilian popular singer. For this, we carried out a bibliographical review on pedagogy and vocal physiology in the scope of popular Brazilian song, as well as an analysis of small fragments of the repertoire of popular music, through which we seek to justify the use of the lyrical technique by the popular singer. The project aims to open new perspectives on the subject and to point out the musical benefits achieved through the physiological knowledge that the lyrical technique provides: the conscious use of the organs that make the activity of singing possible and the use of the whole body as an instrument.
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