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Hope and equivocal compatibility in forest governance
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Forest governance
Land rights
Indigenous and tribal peoples

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BRIGHTMAN, Marc. Hope and equivocal compatibility in forest governance: REDD+ and rights over indigenous and tribal lands in Suriname. RURIS (Campinas, Online), Campinas, SP, v. 10, n. 1, 2016. DOI: 10.53000/rr.v10i1.2640. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


REDD+ is an ambitious programme for a global architecture for forest governance, and technical preparations for its institution are underway in a number of countries. In Suriname the risks and benefits presented by REDD+ appear differently from the perspectives of different actors. The prospect of REDD+ added urgency to an ongoing political struggle over land rights for indigenous and tribal peoples. But while land rights negotiations stall, the benefits of funding and technical capacity building are captured by elites and international NGOs. This article explores the political ecology of REDD+ in Suriname and suggests that the outcomes of REDD+ policy, for good or ill, will not be those for which it is designed.
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