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The difficulty in generate social capital
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Social capital
Local development

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CARMO, Renato Miguel do. The difficulty in generate social capital: the question of lack of confidence in a portuguese village. RURIS (Campinas, Online), Campinas, SP, v. 2, n. 2, 2012. DOI: 10.53000/rr.v2i2.676. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Albernoa is a Portuguese village situated in the region of Alentejo (South of Portugal). This village has suffered a progressive ageing, and continuous depopulation. These tendencies occurred simultaneously with the reducing of several agricultural occupations and activities. At the same time we identify some dynamic indicators connected with the increasing of spatial mobility and the adoption of urban habits. However these modern social factors are not strong enough to invert the tendency towards a progressive demographic depression. Internally the population of Albernoa shows a deep difficulty in reinforcing community ties which would allow collective projects – potentially leading to the formation of socialcapital. The villagers are highly divided in terms of collective trust.
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