Note on the Gramsci's trajectory in Latin America
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Letters from Prison
Latin America

How to Cite

ROIO, Marcos Del. Note on the Gramsci’s trajectory in Latin America. Crítica Marxista, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 33, p. 127–130, 2011. DOI: 10.53000/cma.v18i33.19321. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2024.


With the exception of a few very specific places, Gramsci's name was almost unknown in Latin America until a few decades ago, and the few references were to remember yet another victim of fascism. Gramsci's slow penetration into Latin America began in Argentina, when in 1950 Hector Agosti published Letters from Prison. After the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the political and cultural environment became more conducive to more diverse theoretical approaches and concrete analyzes of historical-social situations. The rich theoretical elaboration of Palmiro Togliatti's PCI, still in 1956, with his thesis on The Italian Way to Socialism, also contributed to Gramsci's work being able to project beyond the borders of his country and the communist movement itself that revolved around around the USSR. The same Agosti and the Pasado y Presente group, which published the thematic edition of the Prison Notebooks from 1958 onwards, were excluded from the Communist Party in 1963.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


ROIO, Marcos Del. Nota sobre a trajetória de Gramsci na América Latina. Crítica Marxista, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 33, p. 127–130, 2011.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Marcos Del Roio


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