The history of the Marxist controversy over the determination of complex labor in the production of value
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Skilled labour
Simple labour
Marx’s theory of value
Reduction of complex labour
Marxist debate

How to Cite

CALIGARIS, Gastón. The history of the Marxist controversy over the determination of complex labor in the production of value. Crítica Marxista, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 43, p. 45–65, 2016. DOI: 10.53000/cma.v23i43.19165. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The solution provided by Marx to the question of “complex work” in the explanation of the commodities’ value has been the subject of much controversy. However, almost a century and a half of debate, neither Marxists nor critics of Marx have managed to agree on its meaning and, even worse, among Marxists there is no agreement on the real solution to the problem of comparing labours
of various complexities. In this context, the aim of the paper is to reconstruct the history of Marxist controversies surrounding this issue with the double intention of calling the attention to the importance of the topic and clearing the way for a solution consistent with the Marxian explanation of value. Thus, after a chronological reconstruction of the debate, the paper offers a critical analysis where the most widespread solutions to the debate are evaluated.
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