Playing algorithms
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Algorithmic composition
Finite state machine with datapath
Pure data
Paradigm shift
Sound synthesis control

How to Cite

TAVARES, Tiago; NOVO JÚNIOR, José Eduardo Fornari. Playing algorithms: finite State Machines with Datapath in Music-Domain Visual Languages. NICS Reports, Campinas, SP, v. 9, n. 23, p. 1–20, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Music-domain visual programming languages (VPLs) have shown to be Turing complete. However, the common lack of built-in flow control structures can obstruct using VPLs implementing general-purpose algorithms, which harms the direct use of algorithms and algorithm theory in art creation processes using VPLs. In this article, we show how to systematically implement general-purpose algorithms in music-domain visual languages by using the Finite State Machines with Datapath computation model. The results expose a finite state machine and a set of internal state variables that walk paths whose speed can be controlled using a metronome ticks and whose path depends on the initial conditions of the algorithm. These elements can be further mapped to music elements according to the musician's intentions. We demonstrate this technique by implementing Euclid's Greatest Common Divider algorithm and using it to control high-level music elements in an implementation of Terry Riley's In C, and to control audio synthesis parameters in a FM synthesizer.

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