Unfolding stones


Digital immersion

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MANZOLLI, Jônatas. Unfolding stones. NICS Reports, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 22, p. 156–167, 2021. Disponível em: https://econtents.bc.unicamp.br/pas/index.php/nicsreports/article/view/317. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Nowadays, new technologid emphasize interaction and novel music interfaces and alternative forms and modes od interactive media have been realized. The digital era is promoting interaction between audiovisuais, music and improvisation in virtual and mixed reality spaces. Have we "stones" in our hands - the computer technology? As the primitive man was stimulated by the images and sounds from the stones, we might be stimulated, by mixing the virtual and real worlds, to understand the integration of the brain and the body with such yet unpolished technological tools. This article presents a conceptual discussion articulating interactive music composition and computer creativity. It is also introduce the idea of using interactive media as laboratory to study creativity and to mediate the creation of artworks. We introduce previous interactive performances and minDSounDS, a performance to be presented at the Generative Art 2014 Conference.



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