GestAção I


Hybrid performance
Extended techniques
Instrumental gestures
Computer music

Como Citar

SANTOS, Jorge. GestAção I: a hybrid computer music guitar performance mediated by instrumental gestures. NICS Reports, Campinas, SP, v. 5, n. 14, p. 1–9, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


With all computer music improvements in the last decades, musical gestures started to be used as parameter for controlling dynamic processes that compound a musical performance. This article intends to describe the processes and methods employed in a composition of this type: "Gest'Ação I" for classical guitar and live electronics which uses a set of ‘instrumental gestures' for the guitar as part of the musical performance. The intent here was to elaborate a musical piece that could join, in a free process, the idea of ‘extended technique' to the "writing/instrument extended' using open-sourced musical software. This article briefly discusses the concept of "gesture" as defined by Wanderley (2000) and Delande (1998), especially concerning the guitar performance. It is also discussed the concepts of "extended technique" and "extended instrument" as defined by Padovani and Ferraz (2011). Here two open-source softwares were used: MuseScore2.0 (for the score writing) and Pure Data (for the audio processing in real time). 



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in: June 12th 2015.

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