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Me, the colors and the possibilities
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Child. Colors. Art. Expression.

How to Cite

NUNES, Isabella Franceschini; SILVA, Benedita de Lourdes Motta. Me, the colors and the possibilities. Sínteses: Revista Eletrônica do SimTec, Campinas, SP, n. 6, p. 267–267, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


This project was triggered by the children's interest in colors, questions and answers about the color of toys, paints, clothes, etc. Then, we felt the need to explore this universe of possibilities, experiences and textures with them. The art is present in our children's lives in a daily basis. In simple actions, such as drawing on the floor, making sand sculptures, painting objects or even one's own body, the child uses art to express one's feelings, the creativity and experience the world around him/her. We intend to provide, through diversified activities, the contact with art and artistic making, through games, stories, environment exploration and handling different materials, such as pencil, crayon, little roll, brushes, paint brushes, coal, stamp, paints, water, sand, earth, clay, papers with different colors and textures, string, glues, among other. Until now, the children has shown great interest in the activities, for this reason, the project is still ongoing, enriching and enabling new and motivating experiences, every day.
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Isabella Franceschini Nunes, Benedita de Lourdes Motta Silva


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