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Pediatric urgency and emergency profile in a teaching hospital in São Paulo state's countryside
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Pediatric nursing. Health profile. Emergency nursing.

How to Cite

MARCONATO, Rafael Silva; MARCONATO, Aline Maino Pergola; SILVA, Michele Freitas Neves; JARDIM, Valdecir Monteiro; MARMOL, Milene Thais; SILVA, Teresa de Lourdes; OLIVEIRA, Eliana Ortiz de. Pediatric urgency and emergency profile in a teaching hospital in São Paulo state’s countryside. Sínteses: Revista Eletrônica do SimTec, Campinas, SP, n. 6, p. 260–260, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 may. 2024.


Knowing the users' profile is important, so the team is ready to absorb the occurrence demand and act with calmness and agility. Goal: Knowing the service profile in a referenced pediatric emergency unit (UERPed). Method: Descriptive study, developed in a UERped. The data was collected from the nurses' registry note, between 02/2013 and 02/2015. Results: 179 children with average 5 years old were served, 74.0% (132) were clinical, 25.0% (46) traumas and 0.6% (01) without identification. The average permanence time in the emergency room was 63 minutes, ranging from 15 minutes and 6:15 hours. 62 diagnostic hypotheses were found: convulsive crisis (14%), acute respiratory failure (14%), multiple trauma (9%), traumatic brain injury (7%), accidents with scorpions (7%), undefined (4%) and other (25%). Regarding the demand, 28 children (16%) were brought from home and 84% were referred. Discussion: The referral took place in most services at that unit. The accidents with scorpions account for a significant percentage, since the hospital has a reference Intoxication Control Center in the region. The number of services to the child with multiple traumas is compatible with other emergency units³. Conclusions: This study enabled to know the profile of pediatric services. The average age of children served was five years old, with higher frequency of clinical cases, highlighting the convulsive crisis and acute respiratory failure. The unit has referral characteristics, as it is defined, which helps on the team's expectation for the child's initial service.
PDF (Português (Brasil))
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Rafael Silva Marconato, Aline Maino Pergola Marconato, Michele Freitas Neves Silva, Valdecir Monteiro Jardim, Milene Thais Marmol, Teresa de Lourdes Silva, Eliana Ortiz de Oliveira


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