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Is there any difference on the tooth decay experience in inhabitants of brazilian municipalities, according to the presence of fluoridation on the public supply water? Comparison of two brazilian capital cities: São Paulo and Manaus
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Tooth decay. Fluoridation. Epidemiology. Public health policies. Collective health.

How to Cite

FRANCO, Decio Henrique; RANDO-MEIRELES, Maria Paula; OLIVATI, Fabricio Narciso; BITTAR, Telmo Oliveira; MARQUES, Taís Cristina Nascimento; SOUSA, Maria da Luz Rosário. Is there any difference on the tooth decay experience in inhabitants of brazilian municipalities, according to the presence of fluoridation on the public supply water? Comparison of two brazilian capital cities: São Paulo and Manaus. Sínteses: Revista Eletrônica do SimTec, Campinas, SP, n. 6, p. 239–239, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


The fluoridation on the public supply water is an effective measure, with low cost, to prevent tooth decay. This study compared the decay experience between two large municipalities in Brazil, state capitals: São Paulo and Manaus, at that time, respectively, with and without fluoridation on their public supply water. The study used data from SB Brasil 2010 project, which assessed the ceod, CPOD and SiC indexes of 2,176 individuals, following WHO's methodology. The results showed that the indexes were higher in Manaus in comparison with São Paulo, on ages between 5-12 years old. The decayed teeth percentage was higher and restored teeth percentage was lower on the age range between 15-19 years old in Manaus. São Paulo presented better oral health condition in children and teenagers, and there was no difference between adults and seniors. We concluded that, according to SB Brasil 2010's project information, the São Paulo municipality presented better oral health conditions than Manaus and that fluoridation on public supply water plays an important role in this process and must continue.
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Decio Henrique Franco, Maria Paula Rando-Meireles, Fabricio Narciso Olivati, Telmo Oliveira Bittar, Taís Cristina Nascimento Marques, Maria da Luz Rosário Sousa


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